Don't Let Those Photos Die in the Cloud! FreePrints is Your Answer!

I can remember as a little boy, begging my mom to get our family photo albums to look through the images. There were pictures of me and my sister when we were babies, photos of my mom and dad when they were young and in high school. Pictures of family and friends, doing things like having parties, weddings, hanging out and fun at the lake. So many memories and so many stories. When we would got those albums down, mom and dad would share stories and memories and we listened and just absurd every word. Even now, I can look through those images and share the stories exactly as they were told to me.

Growing up, those old images in that album helped me to know who I was and where I came from. They become such an important part of my identity.

But now, everyone has gotten into the habit of NOT PRINTING any images. Even me, someone with a high end photographic printer stopped printing images. The truth is that its just a huge hassle!. Moving the pictures, loading the paper and the ink, ugh it was just too much work. Our pictures were taken and just sat on my cloud storage, never being looked at, just collecting digital dust.


But a few years ago I stumbled upon a really amazing app, one that I love and have been using for several years now. The app is call FreePrints and its available on both iOS and Android. It allows you upload images from your phone to the app and get 85 FREE 4x6 prints every month. You just have to pay for shipping. You can order more that 85 prints in a month, you just have to pay for them. You can also order other sizes, but you pay for those also. But the great thing is that its convenient and the price is really affordable!

Every month, I now sit down and place my order, wait a week and then load all of the images, which come printed with the date the image was taken on the back (an amazing feature btw) and load them into our photo albums. It is such a simple process, I honestly cannot recommend the app enough.

They also have a family of other apps that allow you to get all sorts of things printed. Its such a simple and affordable process, I couldn’t believe how easy it was.

FreePrints isn’t paying me anything to write this - its just an amazing app and ultimately, I want everyone to start printing their photos again. There’s just something about physical prints that convey more significance that just pixels on a screen. I know that they were so very important to me, and so many others.