120 Film Developing

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120 Film Developing

from $12.00

Get your 120 Medium Format film processed, film scanned, and negatives returned to you for only $12!

Here’s what’s included:

  • Developing your film

  • Scanning Your Film in High Resolution

  • We Return Your Negatives to You

  • All of Your Images are Uploaded to an Online Gallery Where You Can Browse, Download, Share, and Order Prints

  • Selection Optional 4x6 Prints

Here’s how the process works:

  1. Select Your Film Type (Color Negative, Black & White, E6 Slide Film, or ECN-2 Cinema Film)

  2. Select Digital Download only or Add Prints

  3. Add to Cart and place your order!

  4. Print your order confirmation

  5. Package your film roll(s) up with the order confirmation and ship them to us (address is included in the order confirmation).*

  6. We receive your order and let you know once it arrives and is received

  7. We process your order, scan your film, and upload your images to your gallery

  8. We send you an email with a link to your gallery and package up your negatives and prints and ship them back to you!

A small shipping fee is applied to each order to help offset the cost of returning your negatives and prints.

Film Type:
Print Options:
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