Why Do We Still Use Film?

With the speed, ease, and lower cost of digital, why in the world would anyone still continue to use film?

That's a great question.  And there are a lot of answers...

Senior Pictures with Cinestill50 35mm film

Senior Pictures with Cinestill50 35mm film

The Look

Film has a unique look.  While all photos require some post-production, the looks and feels generated by film make the post-production process different.  Film produces a very unique look that is sometimes very surprising and beautiful.  The colors, saturation, and contrast of film are just a few of the reasons we still shoot it.  While you can reproduce film-like effects with digital, it really just isn't the same.

Portrait on Kodak Ektar 4x5" film

Portrait on Kodak Ektar 4x5" film

High Resolutions & Flexibility

Digital cameras are always limited by their megapixels and storage capacities.  Standard professional cameras have somewhere in the 20's while some newer models have 50 and more.  The resolution of film is really only limited by the grain structure and with many modern films boasting very fine grains, small images can be scanned at ridiculously high resolutions.  Film can also be printed in an old-school dark room at almost any size you want.  

Student performance on Kodak Tri-X 35mm Film

Student performance on Kodak Tri-X 35mm Film

Archivable Physical Negatives

While the cloud is a very secure place to store and back-up your images and data, there is nothing more secure than being able to hold a physical copy and keep it where you choose.  According to Kodak, film stored properly can last as long as 1,000 years.  Even stored improperly film lasts for decades before it begins to suffer noticable decay.