Fujifilm Announces the New Instax Mini 40

Just in time for Summer, Fujifilm has announced a new camera with a vintage vibe along with a new instax mini film style (Contact Sheet Film)!

Both of the big instant film makers, Fujifilm and Polaroid are constantly releasing new cameras and boarders for films in the hope of boosting sales. What we often see are basic cameras, repackaged with little to no improvements. From all that I’ve read so far, the new Instax Mini 40 camera is just another repackage.

The camera offers very simple operation, really almost bringing to down to the cell phone level of just pointing and shooting and mostly getting a good image. The body is make of plastic and the leather looking surface is just textured plastic.

I look forward to getting my hands on one and giving it a test drive, but from all of the specs I’ve read, it appears to be lacking in new features or functionality.

I am, however, excited about the contact sheet film which draws its inspiration from color contact sheets printed in a dark room. Its a cool look and as long as the price isn’t increase dramatically I’ll definitely be picking up several packs for the aesthetic.

If you’re interested in checking out the new camera - Amazon already has it listed here - Its not available for order yet, but it will be shortly!

Fuji Instax Mini 90

Fuji Instax Mini 90

If you’re looking for a Fuji Instax Mini camera with a classic vibe you can pick up today - I really love the Fuji Instax Mini 90. Its a solid camera, I’ve used mine a lot and love it! It also has a similar look as the Mini 40.

Amazon also has a great deal on a 4-pack of colored-frame film - great colors for summer! I went ahead and ordered some for myself, you should too!